With every real estate agent claiming to be the best it can be extremely difficult to make the right choice. Scratch the surface however and you'll discover a dramatic difference in each estate agent’s core objectives, experience, ethics and results.
As an independent boutique estate agency, Harrington Earl is first and foremost dedicated to maintaining our excellent reputation and exceeding our client’s expectations. Gaining referral business is the ultimate compliment we receive and it is what we have established our business upon, but that’s not the only difference between Harrington Earl and other agencies, let’s fill you in on a few secrets…
We aim for a great result…Not just a quick one
Selling too quickly usually means your agent can pick up their commission and quickly move onto the next sale, their interest is primarily on the next listing and not on looking after the best interests of clients who have already placed a considerable amount of trust in them. While it’s great for the selling agent, it can leave you substantially short changed…Harrington Earl’s focus is to deliver the best possible sale result for our existing clients who have entrusted us to sell their property, not chasing the next listing…We’ll never leave you wondering "Could I have done better?"
We don't rely on reputation to sell your property
While some high profile agents attract many listings, the effort they spend on each can be minimal. The fact is, if you want great results you need an agent dedicated to achieving them…The team involved in the sale of your property all have in excess of 10 years local experience and are backed up by a dedicated marketing and support team, all working together to bring you buyers and a greater sale price.
We offer creative, cost effective marketing to sell your property – Not an excessive corporate marketing campaign for the agency’s benefit
It never ceases to amaze us how far some agents will go to promote their own name at the expense of their clients. Exposure to prospective purchasers is all important, however our extensive research shows that 88% of buyer enquiry is derived from the most inexpensive medium, the internet. If an agent is adamant on you spending thousands of dollars on a marketing campaign for your property you really need to ask yourself whether it’s necessary or if the agent is just wanting to retain their local profile…At Harrington Earl we’ll design an extensive marketing campaign designed specifically for your property, aimed at achieving you the highest sale price by attracting the appropriate buyer demographic and not wasting your money on corporate exposure.
We offer true auction expertise
Our directors are our only auctioneers, we don’t instruct a third party nor do we risk your property in the hands of a staff member inexperienced in dealing with the minefield that can be a public auction. Both Steve Earl and John Harrington are auction experts having each been ‘calling’ auctions for over 15 years. Come the big day Steve and John’s vested interest (it’s their company!) and vast experience can mean a big difference in the result achieved.
We are working to be even better
A great performer always looks to improve…We continue to work on furthering the skills of our team and to implement strategies that will provide our clients with the very best in service and results. To excel in our chosen field, we work harder for our clients and continually strive to be the best.
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