Michelle Earl
Having had a successful marketing company before the birth of her children and being the patient partner of Steve Earl for over 30 years, Michelle has never been too far away from real estate having been Steve's 'sounding post' for as long as she can remember. At the beckoning of Steve, Michelle re-entered the workforce in mid 2006 and has proved to be a vital member of the Harrington Earl team. Friendly, hard working and with a flair for numbers, Michelle has revelled in the responsibility of handling the Tenancy Trust Accounts on behalf of the company. Michelle ensures that the monthly statement is prepared in accordance with our client's instructions and that financial reports are prepared promptly in July so that each client can attend to their taxation obligation in their own time.
You'll most likely see Michelle ferrying the children between sporting commitments, working away at Hurl's Gym on the treadmill or dining with her husband Steve at their favourite local eatery.
Phone: 9488 1805