Properties for Sale

35 Dight Street Collingwood View More Properties


Quoted Price Range

$800,000 - $810,000

There were 3 ducks in a row but now there’s only 1 left….

Sometimes a picture tells 1000 words and sometimes pictures give a false perception. And I have to be truthful with you – I reckon that’s the case with these ones. Whilst this cottage is liveable for those prepared to rough it, it genuinely is entry level so don’t expect much, In fact you’re probably not paying anything for the house – just land value.
This promising pocket has been improving and houses in the street renovated so budget conscious buyers without grandiose expectations should view. It’s got 2 bedrooms, a central lounge, kitchen with small meals area, a study and bathroom. There is rear access from a laneway making renovations all the easier and cost effective.


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